Students who have got admission in universities that is on board with us can, in principle, apply for financial support. The applications have to be necessarily routed through the Students Affairs Department of the Institution. At present, scholarships are offered in under graduate degrees inf Medicine, Engineering, Agriculture, IT and BBA in the universities with whom we have an MOU. See list : Click hereFrom where you can get the application form? The application forms can be downloaded from PEF website: Click here

Yes, the guidelines are clearly spelled out in the application form.

Merit criteria is primarily the relative grades obtained by the applicants in higher secondary school examinations. The other important consideration is the household income and other overriding reasons such as orphanage or physical handicap or disability of the applicant etc.

Eligibility criteria is HSc marks: Minimum: 75%, Family income: Max Rs 75000/month.

After applications has been received, we select the most deserving students by giving them 50% weightage to their HSc Marks and 50% weightage to the per capita income of the Students’ family.

Public sector institutions are government run and financed institutions. Foundation offers financial support preferably to first year students, however students in advance stage of studies could as well be considered, if reasons are compelling enough.

Our mission is poverty to uplift maximum number of students out of poverty in a given budget available every year to spend. The fees of private universities are 5 to 15 times higher that public sector universities.

Barring a few private but very expensive universities, the public sector universities enjoy a very good reputation.

There is no reserve quota as such for any geographical area. Provincial allocation of students is in direct relation to province’s population vis-à-vis the total population of the country.

Restrictions are primarily due to financial considerations. We plan to add more disciplines as when funds with the foundation would permit.

There is no gender preference or discrimination in the selection process.

Application should be fully endorsed by the institute to establish its bona fides. One should route the application through the student affairs department of the institution one is studying in. Students from the list of educational institutes listed on the website with whom Foundation has signed MOU would be given preference.

ENo sooner the students get admission they should contact student’s affairs department for guidance or visit our website. The institutes in a pre-agreed arrangement with the foundation would prepare, after careful scrutiny, a list of students considered suitable for the scholarship.
Final decision for the award of the scholarships is totally at the discretion of the Foundation.

Every year new institutions will be added, information on our website is regularly updated. Scholarships to student from institutes, other than those listed on website are possible in very special cases of extra ordinary circumstances. may also apply. Preference would however be given to students from institutes on the website.

Rural domicile does not have any bearing on the initial selection or award of the scholarship, however once admitted on the basic criteria, the students will be fully funded for their fees but their domicile rural may get some preference in getting boarding/lodging expenses.
There is no consideration, whatsoever, on religious grounds.
Yes, provided the student endorsed by the institution can give reasonable and tenable explanation leading to his failure in the annual examination. Students have to necessarily qualify each year for the continuation of the scholarship.
Yes, there is no restriction at present.
PEF favours the student applications where there is no other co-funder.
This is neither mandatory nor a condition for getting financial support from the Foundation. Any voluntary initiative will be appreciated, as it would facilitate the foundation in fund raising and consequently help fellow students.