“One fine afternoon a number of my friends (all successful businessmen & executives in Pakistan) got together for a social lunch at a local club. As the conversation moved from old memories to desperate political and economic condition of our country, I sensed a common realization amongst all of my friends that had we not become an engineer, doctor or an MBA, we would not be sitting where we are today. There was a feeling of indebtedness towards Pakistan, which has invested so much in our education and a desire to give something back even if it is small. The thought that thousands of poor but brilliant students are at the risk of losing their dreams for the lack of financial resources kept bothering us. This led to the idea of PEF and its mission: Poverty Alleviation through Professional Education. Starting with 75 students in 2009, we educated more than 2690 students in 2022-2023 academic year, thereby becoming the largest private funder of Professional Education in Pakistan. Join us in our effort to fulfill the dreams of these outstanding students in need of our help. It will make a big difference not just in their own lives but in the society too”.